Ngā Toa Taiao – Environmental Heroes, Maunga ki te Moana – Mountains to the Sea is proudly sponsored by Bay of Plenty Regional Council, showcasing the inspiring work of local hapu, iwi, volunteers, and dedicated staff focused on restoring and protecting our natural environment.
Over the past six months, the museum has explored the hard mahi of these outstanding individuals and groups, illustrating their unwavering passion for our taiao — from the mountains to the sea.
Visitors will learn about projects aimed at improving water quality, enhancing biodiversity, and protecting our native species, including:
Te Marie Pest Control Forest: Focused on eliminating invasive pest species.
Project Parore: Working to improve water quality and restore native fish habitats in Tauranga Moana.
Maketū Ongatoro Wetlands Estuary: Committed to biodiversity monitoring and habitat restoration.
Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust: Protecting kiwi and other indigenous birds.
Aongatete Forest Project: Aiming for the return of the rifleman to its native habitat.
Kaimai Kauri: Dedicated to kauri protection and managing Kauri dieback disease.
Otawhiwhi Marae: Involved in ocean biodiversity projects, including research on the Great White Shark.
Te Wao Nui o Tapuika: Creating a kōkako corridor for this endangered species.
Te Whakakaha Trust: Advocating for the Hochstetter’s frog in lowland coastal forests.
Dr. Peter Maddison: Honouring human champions in environmental conservation.