Waka Migration - Ancient Voyages of Māori Ancestors
Mana Whenua Liaison Officer Hone Wilder-Murray has created our first Māori Histories exhibition which includes the Waka Migration - Ancient Voyages of Māori Ancestors and the connections with the Pacific, Micronesia and South America dating back over one thousand years. As Hone describes, “The navigational prowess of my ancestors is often bewildering for those outside of the Pacific and a story that is well deserved of being told and celebrated in our community. Their journeys were well planned and their landing on these shores was deliberate and masterfully executed.” Through this latest exhibition, Hone has sought to bring awareness to the revival of waka hourua (double-hulled canoes) and the journeys they’ve undertaken in more recent years – making those old voyages tangible in 2023, especially with Amokura adornment and the migratory Pīpīwharauroa. Through this exhibition, the stories of the great navigators are shared.
This exhibition has been sponsored by Potter Masonic Trust.
This exhibition generously sponsored by the Potter Masonic Trust.