This exceptional nature-based programme is delivered by an expert environmental educator to local school children. Based in the outdoor area of the museum on the banks of the Uretara Stream, children learn the importance of environmental protection and ‘bugs, bush and birds’ through water testing and lessons on native ecology such as inanga and tuna.
“This was the best trip ever. We learnt so much and it was super fun counting the birds and insects.”
— Student, Katikati Primary School
"It is very rare these days for the children to be able to walk somewhere on a trip and experience education outside of the classroom free of charge…the programme was pitched at a perfect level and very hands-on and interactive…it was great having the in-school lessons to support the programme”— Marlene Dyer, Team Leader, Senior School
Treasuring our Place is sponsored by Bay of Plenty Regional Council and BayTrust.
Treasuring Our Place / Taonga o te Taiao